How To Layer Your Skincare

What if that expensive growth factor serum you bought last month might not be working as well as you hoped and it could be only be because you are applying it in the wrong order? Scary thought, right?

Sure, having the right products matter, but the key to skincare success is knowing what order to apply your products in and what ingredients work well together. You need to apply skincare in the correct order because, if you don’t it could decrease the efficacy of them or even worse…...irritate your face. The general rule of thumb is to apply the lightest products before your heavier ones, since thinner products cannot penetrate thicker ones.

Here is a basic guide for you to follow. Please keep in mind that this guide is a general guide. Every individual is so different and some skin concerns may involve more or less of what is listed. We are always happy to chat about you and your skin because it is such a personal journey that we want to help you on.⁣ ⁣The PHI team is here for you YYC!


1. Cleanse

First things first. Cleansing always takes precedence, even if you don’t have makeup on (Pollution & skin oil still need to come off).


2. Tone

They're calming, provide an additional layer of hydration & preps the skin for treatment products.


3. Treat

Usually a potent blend of good-for-skin ingredients. We like an antioxidant serum during the day and a growth factor applied at night. Retinol is also great here in the PM.⁣⁣


4. Moisturize

Apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated, balanced & plump.


5. Eye Cream

Hydrate the delicate under-eye area, while keeping fine lines and wrinkles away.


6. SPF

All of the above steps do not matter if you are not protecting your skin. It's the best tool for preventing signs of aging such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles.


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