Why Bend?


With so many collagen options on the market, we often get asked why the brand Bend Beauty?

Know at PHI Medical Aesthetics, you are in the absolute best hands. We pride ourselves on the expertise of our staff, the quality of the products we use, and the care that we provide to our beloved patients. We wouldn’t recommend something that we don’t personally stand behind or use ourselves.

So back to Bend…..Well, first of all, we all use it and LOVE it. We have seen some pretty incredible transformations and how the brand has helped patients deal with various skincare ailments. Here’s the deets straight from the Bend website :


When determining which collagen product is right for you, it is important to consider that collagen can be derived from bovine (cow) or marine sources. Bovine collagen takes much longer to produce than fish collagen and has a negative impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Bend takes pride in sourcing quality fish from wild fisheries, such as the Icelandic cod fishery, which is sustainably-managed and regarded as the gold standard for responsible fisheries. 


Bend Beauty uses fish collagen for its efficacy in repairing, building, and strengthening our skin’s natural collagen matrix. Marine collagen peptides are much smaller and more easily absorbed by the human body, thus making them a more effective and beneficial source of collagen. These peptides then stimulate the fibroblasts in our skin; triggering them to produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid – this is what gives you beautiful, glowing, healthy skin. 

Strength and Resilience

The addition of Co-Factors in Bend Beauty Marine Collagen is another aspect of this product that sets it apart from the rest of the collagen offerings on the market. Silicon, sourced from whole food organic bamboo, is responsible for strengthening hair and nails, and also contributes to accelerated wound healing. Bend also contains Vitamin C because it is a wonderful antioxidant for overall skin health. Together, silicon and vitamin C are essential for collagen cross-linking; the process through which collagen becomes strong and resilient.

Finally, Bend also included Lysine in Bend Marine Collagen + Co-Factors. Lysine is an amino acid that helps to build collagen within the skin and is not naturally produced by the body. This means we must obtain lysine through our diet or supplementation. Research shows that lysine, like silicon, may also assist in wound healing. 

Strawberry Flavored Bend is on SALE at PHI

To celebrate the magical goodness of Bend Beauty, we have put their Strawberry Flavored Collagen Powder on sale. So while quantities last, come pick up a jar at 20% off.

Incorporating a collagen supplement into your skincare routine is essential for overall skin health and wellness as we age. Choosing our Marine Collagen + Co-Factors is your best line of defence in protecting, building, and maintaining healthy colla…

Incorporating a collagen supplement into your skincare routine is essential for overall skin health and wellness as we age. Choosing our Marine Collagen + Co-Factors is your best line of defence in protecting, building, and maintaining healthy collagen and supporting hair, skin and nail health.


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