2020 is the magic year

This is one of my favourite posts of the year to write. Not only do I get to know my co-workers a bit better, I just love a good goal setting sesh. Goal setting can help improve your quality of life and is often the first step in putting your vision into action mode. 

So here’s the thing…Yes, we are an aesthetic clinic full of medical professionals, but we are also a tight knit group of women (and Dr. Frank too) who are trying our hardest to be the best moms, friends, wives, and working professionals we can be. New Years Eve always sparks the joy and brings that gentle reminder of how far we've actually all come in a year.

Here’s what 2019 brought our PHI-losophers and how we are going to rock it in 2020

Jodie Tilley
3 New Years Resolutions for me :
- Staying out of the sun (no tanning) & wearing sunscreen everyday.
- More travel with my girlfriends, now that my kids are more independent.
- Continue to find ways to make PHI the best place to go for injectables.

Lisa Iverson
I typically don’t do New Years resolutions as I like to work on constant change throughout the year. This relieves the pressure of feeling like I have to make the change at one specific time of year. That being said one thing I’ve been pondering on recently is “What would I tell me 20 years from now”... and I think I would say “keep your health”. You have nothing if you don’t have your health. Physical, mental, spiritual health. If I had to pick a New Years resolution this would be it.

Dr. Brittany MacDonald
2020 is the year to say ‘yes’ to more opportunities and make time for them. I want to join some groups to expand my microcosm and get to know more of this city and it’s great people. Rowing club. Photography class. Hiking group. Athletic league. Helloooooo Calgary!

Jarret Epp
My New Years resolution is that I don't believe in them! 
- side note here by Sarah M (Jarret is also one the most organized and hard working people I know who realistically probably doesn’t need a resolution ha)

Natalie Huffman
The best thing about 2019 was all the beautiful memories I've created with my baby girl.
My 2020 New Years resolution is to find balance between "work life", "mom life" and "ME time".

Jillian Schenk
The best thing about 2019 was the newest addition to our family, baby Leo. 
My 2020 resolution is to worry less.  Invest in me- physically and mentally so I can be the best I can be. 

Sarah Frank
My New Years resolution is to start a new hobby I’ve never tried before! I took a pottery wheel class this year and surprised myself at how much I enjoyed it.

Carissa Sakal
My New Years resolution is to travel to more places that I have never been.

Rachel Le
Best thing about 2019 was taking a risk and making a life changing decision by leaving a good stable job for a chance to do something that I feel more passionate about. 
New years resolution for 2020 is to wake up early every morning to better prepare myself for the day and to cook something new once a week. 

Sarah Moran
The best thing about 2019 was it was my year of “Heck Yes”. Yes to all those maybe some days! So I climbed my first mountain, ran my first half marathon, traveled back to England to see long time friends and I danced at half time at a stamps game ha.
For 2020, I hope to keep up with my “heck yes”attitude and will try to get to bed earlier.


Why Bend?


Botox for sweating ?