A Sweet Skin Loving Treat


Looking for a sweet treat for your Valentine’s day sweetie? Here’s one PHI babe Michelle McGrattan sent to us that your taste buds will love and your skin too.

Dark chocolate contains lots of potent antioxidants that ward off free radical damage to your skin. Also, dark chocolate gives you glowing skin by lowering stress-related hormones. Basically - less stress hormones = fewer wrinkles. As if that is not the best thing you have heard all week?

Think Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups - but better, IMO!
These healthi-fied PB cups are to die for + are vegan, dairy free, gluten free + refined sugar free!
Enjoy! #themichellemethod


[makes 9 large or 18 mini cups]

•1/2 cup creamy natural peanut butter

•2-4 tbsp pure maple syrup

•1 scoop @botanicahealth protein or any vanilla vegan protein

•1 cup @enjoylifefoods chocolate chips

•1 tbsp coconut oil

•Himalayan sea salt


1. Line a muffin pan with 9 liners or 18 minis.

2. Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a medium saucepan over low heat, stirring frequently.

3. Once the chocolate is melted, add half of the chocolate mixture to the bottom of each cup. Use the spoon to spread the chocolate all the way up sides of each liner.

4. Place the pan in the freezer for a few minutes to harden the chocolate.

5. In the meantime make the peanut butter cup filling: Add peanut butter, maple syrup and protein powder to a medium bowl and mix until smooth, [add a teeny more maple syrup if needed] place about a tablespoon or more of the mixture in each cup on top of the frozen chocolate.

6. Place back in the freezer for a few minutes then spoon the remaining chocolate, covering the peanut butter filling. Top with Himalayan sea salt.

7. Freeze for 20-30 minutes until chocolate is solid. Once the cups are firm, you can store them in the fridge or freezer + enjoy! xo

Check out more of Michelle’s yummy recipes by clicking here


#PERSONI-PHI - Jarret Epp


Valentines Day