The New Kind of Nose Job
Only just a few years ago, if you wanted a smaller, smoother or straighter nose, your only option was traditional rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is wonderful for the right candidate and our Medical Director Dr. Ryan Frank is one of the best plastic surgeons in YYC . If you are hoping to alter the overall size of your nose, fix a wide or boxy top or need help with a deviated septum, Dr. Frank is your guy. However, nose jobs are permanent and they can be a pretty big investment, both financially and in time spent recovering.
You may actually be a better candidate for a “Non-Surgical Nose Job”, which we offer here at PHI. We work with the same hyaluronic acid filler that we use to treat other areas of the face, but this time to correct the curves and lumps in your nose. Hyaluronic Acid is a water-loving sugar molecule that is naturally found in our skin, but we slowly stop producing it after the age of 20 (not fair right?). By adding filler, we are not increasing the size of the nose, but more so bringing your proportions closer to the golden ratio “PHI”. This treatment is subtle, but can make a real difference and have people noticing not the size of your nose, but how naturally stunning you are. With hyaluronic acid fillers we can hide the dorsal hump, straighten the side profile, lift the tip of the nose, build a nasal bridge and make the nose look straighter, smaller and more defined. It’s like a wonderful contour, but without the hours in your makeup chair.
As with any treatment, during your consultation we will have a chat about what bothers you and what you would like to achieve. Then we examine your nose and look at what can realistically be achieved. Trust and know that we work together with Dr. Frank and will recommend the best possible treatment for you. Before going under the knife, it’s worth coming in to see if we might be able to correct the issues only with injectables.
We use a thin needle to inject hyaluronic acid filler into the areas it is needed on your nose, almost like a sculptor. By carefully injecting dermal filler above and below the bump on the nose, we can make even the most “hooked” noses look straight. Also, by applying filler around the tip of the nose, we can make it look thinned and more refined. We can actually do so much in 15 minutes with little or no pain. Numbing cream is applied and many of our patients rate this treatment to be less painful than lip filler. No kidding! Dermal fillers can last up to 12 months depending on your metabolism and the more times you do it, the longer results will last. Remember, as with other filler treatments, there is a risk of swelling and bruising. Check out some great results we have had below.
If you are interested in this treatment or any other fab ones we offer at PHI click below to book or simply call 587-333-0834
@addictedtolisa softened the angle of the nasal bone and raised the tip of the nose
@addictedtolisa also straightened the nasal bridge
Another great result, another beautiful patient